Lotteria i Shibuya-ku




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Japan, 〒150-0043 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Dōgenzaka, 2 Chome−6, 道玄坂2丁目6−14
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5459-1211
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6590446, Longitude: 139.6983444

kommentar 5

  • en

    Prashant Kumar


    Good one, but cant compare with Burger King & McD

  • Valentin Dubach

    Valentin Dubach


    The worst burger you will ever taste : cold,no sauce, horrible bread and meat. French fries were bitter. Never ever.

  • en

    rong rong


    As usual, Japan casual restaurants and franchise always accommodating solo dining. You will never feell awkward or self conscious in eating alone. The chocolate milkshake was very special!! Not to sweet and has that bitterness of chocolate, mellowed by the cream and pudding presence.

  • Shota Nagao

    Shota Nagao


    Portions are small, but very satisfied with the wifi, atmosphere and taste.

  • Winston Ng

    Winston Ng


    Had the double teriyaki cheese burger meal plus a boneless chicken. Patties are smaller and more cardboard tasting than McDonalds or Burger King. Frozen boneless chicken piece was just cooked through to be safe to eat. Can't recommend when there's plenty more off the street. It's sanitary which is why it gets a pass mark.

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