Lobby Lounge & Pastry Boutique 「Fountain」 en Kanazawa

JapónLobby Lounge & Pastry Boutique 「Fountain」



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Japan, 〒920-0853 Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Honmachi, 2-chōme−15−1 ホテル日航金沢 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 76-234-3639
sitio web: www.hnkanazawa.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5763286, Longitude: 136.6494244

comentarios 5

  • mk Mayu

    mk Mayu


    I think this is the most relaxing and relaxing lounge around Kanazawa Station. There are plenty of sofa seats and the layout is spacious so you can relax very much.

  • まふ



    I have used it many times. It has a luxurious feel and is comfortable with plenty of sofa seats. The staff are also very nice. The cake was also delicious. There were lots of delicious breads as well.

  • Shuichi Takayama

    Shuichi Takayama


    This is the most luxurious lounge around Kanazawa Station. The afternoon tea set came with refills of scones. I could feel the care put into each and every item. Bread and cakes are available at discounted prices after 5pm. The sofa was too soft and I didn't feel comfortable.

  • やんやん



    luxury atmosphere halloween afternoon tea I was able to get lots of tea and refills of scones, so I was very satisfied. I am full. I think it's worth the price. It's also attractive that you get 10% off when you become a member.

  • Felipe Martini

    Felipe Martini


    Terrible experience. Seemed like a nice dessert shop in Nikko Hotel so I went with my wife. We both had drinks(coffee and a juice) from outside on our hands and my wish was to take away. Even though I tried to speak in Japanese the employee called a staff to talk to me in English to understand my situation and making clear he was very uncomfortable with something. They have already turned this a stressful situation so with the staff discussing to each other in Japanese (there were 4 around us) I gave up on eating in the hotel room and said we could eat in the shop premises. Still they seemed to be clearly annoyed with something turning into a very uncomfortable situation, so we ate very fast just to get out of there. Later on the hotel lobby, the English speaking staff came to us to apologize and to emphasize that they don’t allow anyone to enter the shop with any drinks! (it must be a crime to step inside this shop and order a take away cake with a drink in the hand, maybe we should have yelled from outside what we wanted so they would happily bring to us). If they told me that as soon as we entered we wouldn’t have missed our time giving money to this shop nor sitting on a table to eat cake in this bad environment, that by the way didn’t tasted good. 2 slices 1000yen

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