Livross Kasai en Hamamatsu

JapónLivross Kasai



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1197-22 Kasaichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3107, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-435-6600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.76943, Longitude: 137.7913529

comentarios 5

  • みー



    The customer service of this Daiso middle-aged woman is bad. I asked her where it was and she said, ``No, it's not there.'' ' Without even looking for it, he insisted, 'I've seen it before, so please ask another staff member.' Then, in a disgusted manner, he went to ask another staff member. It was there after all. Without even apologizing, I said, ``Here I am.'' I almost thought I'd go to another store. That attitude doesn't exist!

  • 秋庭誠



    A shopping town operated by Enshu Railway. The parking lot is small considering the number of stores, so a security guard has to guide you (it's pretty crowded). The core stores are Entetsu Store Daiso Matsumotokiyoshi. Restaurants include Gomi Hachichin and CoCo Ichibanya.

  • 音呂



    About DAISO, Sleepy. I didn't know where the folding umbrella was, so when I asked the store clerk, she said, "It's in the street for shoes and rain gear. Please look for it." That's all she said. The hanging signboard and the placed product did not match, and I couldn't find it in the end. There is no such customer service. The last time I asked a young clerk a few times, I felt very polite and comfortable, but today I was disappointed in the middle-aged clerk's response.

  • ちーちー



    In the parking lot. A customer I didn't know had fallen right in front of me and had scratches on his face. I was bleeding normally, and I thought it would be serious if I had hit my head as well, so I asked a nearby security guard, ``Is there any place where I can get treatment?'' He answered, ``There's no doctor. Be careful!" We are not responsible for accidents that occur in the parking lot. There are some things, but I don't think that's the point. I've never heard of the hospital, and since I work as a security guard at a store, I'm not an outsider, so I thought it was a good idea to say something like that. Those who were injured are okay. I went there, but it was a very disappointing incident as it is a place I often go to.

  • Pawaoji



    I think the regular stamp rallies and the double points on Mondays are a good deal. More products than other Entetsu stores With the addition of Matsumoto Kiyoshi, you can now accumulate three points: Matsukiyo Points, Entetsu Points, and D Points.

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