Little cockoo w Toyota

JaponiaLittle cockoo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-47-1 Maruyamachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0832, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 565-41-6008
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Latitude: 35.0656263, Longitude: 137.1509757

komentarze 5

  • Lia



    Very delicious spice curry 🍛 I checked in at the store and waited in my car until I received a call on my cell phone. I went around 11:30 on a weekday and waited for about 30 minutes. The curry seems to be limited depending on the season, so I would like to visit again in a different season! The inside of the store was a bit noisy, and it seemed like there were a lot of female customers.

  • こむぎゆ



    The store has moved and is now beautiful! There is also a toilet right after entering the entrance! It was full, so I wrote my name in and waited for a while! Entered the store around 11am! For 4 people, I ordered curry x 2, lassi x 1, orange x 2, and grape parfait x 1 for ¥5120! It was delicious and I want to go again! Thank you for the meal! !

  • アンタン麺



    I wanted to eat spice curry so I finally went there. Even if you go after 2pm to avoid the usual busy hours, the restaurant is still full. Moreover, only dry keema curry is sold out. I didn't have the courage to stand in line outside to eat in this hot weather, so I went there when it was open, but it can't be helped that most of the places are sold out. The staff was very polite, but I was a little disappointed that the water they brought me was lukewarm. Unfortunately, I was only given a glimpse of the menu when ordering, but I wasn't able to take a closer look at it. The most important part was the dry keema curry, which had a good amount of spice and was perfect for this hot season. The spiciness is just right for me, and the more I chew, the more the aroma of spices hits my nose! Especially when the cardamom scent fades away, it feels cool. The complex combination of spices and minced meat, and a wide variety of garnishes. The salad in the set is also absolutely delicious! I would like to try a different curry and sweets next time. I'll bother you again. Thank you for the treat.

  • Michael Albers

    Michael Albers


    This may have been the best curry Ive ever had. I got the オヤコチキンカレー and it was incredible. The rice was perfectly seasoned, the chicken expertly cooked and tender, and the roux had such a interesting mix of umami with a hint of sourness. Highly reccomend anyone in Toyota try this place. Its a small shop but I happened to walk by on a rainy morning and was able to sit down right away. The staff were also very friendly. Definetly a meal Ill be thinking about for years.

  • Aya Okabe

    Aya Okabe


    Very nice cosy cafe. Everything is sophisticated. The clerks are polite and friendly.

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