豊福 (Toyofuku Curry Bread) in Taitō-ku

Japan豊福 (Toyofuku Curry Bread)



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2 Chome-3-4 Asakusa, 台東区 Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 111-0032, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81
webseite: toyofuku-curry.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.71287, Longitude: 139.7961052

kommentare 5

  • Kevin C

    Kevin C


    This is the best curry doughnut I have found in Japan. It has some meat in it so it is not vegetarian friendly, but it tastes good. There is no seating so just stand there and try not to get it all over yourself.

  • en

    David Chan


    The best fried curry bread we've had in all Japan. Freshly made and crunchy on the outside and the filling is perfectly made curry with mince meat. There have two varieties to choose from spicy or non spicy.

  • en

    Joe Liang


    This is simply the best curry bread/croquette I had to-date. It is super crispy outside and tons of juicy beef curry after one bite! Everyone who passed by should just grab one:)

  • Stefan Setiadi Tanuwidjaja

    Stefan Setiadi Tanuwidjaja


    I would agree the bread was just okay, but the curry was great! Thick, intense, and flavorful! Try also the stall selling beef croquetes next door!

  • Sandro Mathys

    Sandro Mathys


    Savoury deep-fried beef curry buns, with a long history. The bun itself is not really worth mentioning, but the curry, made with Japanese prime beef, contained within is yummy. Great snack on the way to/from Senso-ji temple.

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