LIFE Sekime i Osaka

JapanLIFE Sekime



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-3 Sekime, Joto Ward, Osaka, 536-0008, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6936-9311
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7086809, Longitude: 135.5467383

kommentar 5

  • 小畑らいむ



    That was about 15-20 years ago. I think I was around 6 or 7 years old. I grabbed my 1000 yen pocket money and went to the second floor where bags and clothes were sold. As I was browsing around for bags, I forgot the exact price, but I found a bag that was being sold for around 3,000 yen, a few thousand yen off the original price. Just as I was thinking that it was nice to see it, a small child was walking around in the bag corner, so I guess I was conspicuous and the store clerk started talking to me. When I told her that I had come to buy a present for my mother's birthday and that I only had 1,000 yen, the clerk asked if she was from a higher position? He crossed out the already discounted amount and rewrote it to 1000 yen. Even now, that bag is my mother's precious treasure. I can't even remember the clerk's face at that time, but it is one of my most precious memories and treasures. Thank you very much for that time. I am writing this review in hopes that it will reach the clerk at that time.

  • おおひさたもつ



    I shop for meals every day (*- -)(*_ _) I personally like it because there are a lot of fresh items ♡ You can also cut the fish into smaller pieces (*´σー`) You can also use d points, and you can easily get a receipt (*´・ω-)b Today, I bought 40 Gaufres from Gaigetsudo because I wanted to share them with 30 people. Today I bought temari sushi, mackerel, and thin peas (*´艸`) I'm always happy with the fresh material ♡

  • うみんちゅパール塗装のガンプラなどなど_ブログ



    Many of the side dishes are voluminous and delicious! A great companion when drinking at home♪ I eat 250 types of soupless cup noodles (cup yakisoba) a year, and it's great that they carry new products, as well as ``Ore Shio,'' which few stores carry. They also have sauce for yogurt, and many of the breads are delicious. Frozen foods are also on sale, so I end up buying a lot of them. The sushi is also fresh, has a very thick topping, and has a nice texture. The only downside is the parking lot road that you have to drive around in circles, but I don't have any other downsides. It's also nice to be able to earn points with the Ponta Card. This is my favorite supermarket.

  • Alex De Asis_Php

    Alex De Asis_Php


    A bread to love for. Try everything to feel euphoria

  • Y T

    Y T



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