梁風会 さきがけホスピタル in Takahashi

Japan梁風会 さきがけホスピタル



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2200 Ochiaichō Abe, Takahashi, Okayama 716-0061, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 866-22-2217
webseite: www.ryoufhukai.ryoufhu.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7791576, Longitude: 133.5827761

kommentare 5

  • DECO



    The doctor in charge listened to me very intently, and this was the first time I had been to a hospital where he listened to me so much.

  • つよし



    Due to the stress of work, I have developed an adjustment disorder and have been hospitalized. When I was anxious or unwell, I consulted with him, and my health has improved to a great extent. I am grateful.

  • 西垣高之



    I've been working with her for several years now, and the teacher in charge of her is very kind, listens to me, and gives me advice.

  • ロシェ



    It has been 5 years since I went to the hospital. It is often said that psychiatrists never get their medication reduced or that they don't listen to what they have to say, but here they give me consultations that I feel comfortable talking about, and I don't have to take more than one type of medication, and I've never been given more than one type of medication. As treatment progresses, there may be times when medication is no longer required. All of the staff members are always friendly and gentle, and I feel very confident in my treatment. However, there are many elderly people, and due to the nature of the department, there are many unique people, and although there are no malicious people, I often talk to them.

  • 春馬君忘れない



    The doctors and nurses in charge are all so kind. If you are worried about your feelings, why not try receiving it once? Personally, I have been taken care of by this company, and I feel very safe. Depending on the patient's situation, the doctor in charge will consider various things for the patient.

nächste Krankenhaus

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