Levain Shinshu Ueda i Ueda

JapanLevain Shinshu Ueda



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4-chōme-7-31 Chūō, Ueda, Nagano 386-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 268-26-3866
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 36.4056672, Longitude: 138.2530423

kommentar 5

  • Tyler “Wolfi” Wellner

    Tyler “Wolfi” Wellner


    The staff are incredibly friendly, and the food is very tasty! 😋 I had their soup of the day (pumpkin soup) which they served with some of the best bread I've ever had from their bakery. I also had some delicious cheesecake to top it off. The atmosphere is great, too! It's located in a very old, charming building on the Yanagimachi and feels a little bit like a cozy hobbit hole inside. I definitely recommend a visit!

  • Thea Lopatka

    Thea Lopatka


    High quality bakery with various breads. Good use of the historic space with cozy coffee/lunch naka-niwa space in back and up in the eaves of the historic old building. A rare treat on many levels.

  • A M

    A M


    Quite a wonderful find of a Japanese bakery frequented by locals in this historic Ueda street. These treats are lovely. Nice sit down area and very meji period building.

  • Norbert Woehnl

    Norbert Woehnl


    Nice bakery/café on Yanagimachi street in Ueda. We picked up some sesame rolls that had just come out of the oven, and sat down in the café to have some herb tea on the side. The bread was tasty and satisfying. On a side note, the shop also features what has to be one of the narrowest mens' toilets on the planet.

  • Hiroko Torisawa (tori)

    Hiroko Torisawa (tori)


    This place is probably one of the famous store in Yanagimachi-street. You can buy bread at the bakery and dine-in at the café. There's not many seat at the café. I had the lunch set (bread, two side dishes, salad and soup) with drink and dessert. Very healthy and taste meal.

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