Lawson Yahata Funakoshi 1-chome en Kitakyushu

JapónLawson Yahata Funakoshi 1-chome



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-3-2 Funakoshi, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 807-1111, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-618-9093
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8181779, Longitude: 130.7447979

comentarios 5

  • うみんちゅパール塗装のガンプラなどなど_ブログ



    I used the toilet. They have a good selection of cup noodles, but I've eaten them all before so I didn't have anything to buy >

  • KJ



    The attitude of the obahan clerk at midnight is too bad! When I asked for a carton of cigarettes, he sighed and frantically started looking for them. There is no welcome or thank you! I'll never go there again.

  • Ataru



    Same as other reviewers The customer service attitude of the tall young man is so bad! Even when lining up at the cash register, other tasks take priority. Hand over the receipt in one hand. Although the other staff members had a good customer service attitude, my impression completely changed. I'm lowering my star rating! ↑I agree with you👌It's really unfortunate.

  • yococayo



    There is a nice female clerk. It hasn't been that long since I started going there, but I was surprised that he remembered the brands of cigarettes. . I use it on my way to and from work. P.S.: The customer service attitude of the tall young man with the name tag of an intern was so bad! Even when lining up at the cash register, other tasks take priority. Hand over the receipt in one hand. Although the other staff members had a good customer service attitude, my impression completely changed. I'm lowering my star rating!

  • 背脂太郎



    There is a cute clerk with a nice smile and a nice atmosphere. The owner's sense is not wrong! Convenience stores need beautiful girls!

Tienda de conveniencia más cercano

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