Lawson Wakayama Nishitakamatsu 1-chome en Wakayama

JapónLawson Wakayama Nishitakamatsu 1-chome



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1-chōme-9-8 Nishitakamatsu, Wakayama, 641-0051, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 73-425-5600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.21027, Longitude: 135.170291

comentarios 5

  • nok art

    nok art


    The store is really good A young shaven boy who recently joined the school in 22 years. It's very irritating because I often stay inside and don't come out. Other customers were also standing near the cash register and called out ``excuse me'', but they didn't come out. I was called over and over again and came out impatiently. Sorry to keep you waiting, serve customers Or even a radio in your pocket? You can also see them serving customers while ringing the bell. I think he is the only one who is ruining the reputation of this restaurant.

  • てぃくわ“れおんるい”マウントれもん



    The quality of the staff at LAWSON in Wakayama is really low. I want them to withdraw from Wakayama. I want them to replace 7-Eleven and Family Mart.

  • 島本成之



    You can purchase CDs by Somaru Katsura, a rakugo storyteller from Wakayama, and goods by Kuga, a wrestler from Wakayama.

  • goma1999



    The Godiva fondant chocolate at Machi Cafe was delicious. Godiva's chocolates are delicious but small so I end up eating 2-3 pieces, but this fondant chocolate is just 1 piece and I'm very satisfied. After eating, next time I'll try mille-feuille!

  • 田中太郎



    The quality of the staff is very poor. Employee training is not done properly. I will never use it again.

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