LAWSON Takatsuki Kyoguchimachi Store i Takatsuki

JapanLAWSON Takatsuki Kyoguchimachi Store



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9-30 Kyōguchimachi, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-674-9599
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8489887, Longitude: 135.6252377

kommentar 5

  • 高槻N



    A store with terrible part-time jobs for young people I didn't press the checkout completion button right away, probably because I didn't want to hand over the coupon. Lawson's free cigarette coupons have recently been put up for sale on Mercari in bulk, but it's hard to imagine one person getting more than one, so I suspect they're collecting them in this way to make some extra money. This is a big difference from the announcement that you should use Ponta because you can get coupons at other Lawson stores. There have been several times when I've returned home only to find that no one came out from the back. Also, he was wearing loose sweatpants and had a bad attitude. If you don't want to have a bad experience, it's best to avoid working part-time hours for young students.

  • んtu



    The part-time wives are healthy and you can shop comfortably. Both young men and women are friendly and have a pleasant shopping experience.

  • 中野健太



    It opened on May 10, 2010 or 2011. I've always thought that the store was set up in a good location, as it's on a road where many people commute to work or school.

  • osushi tokisudeni

    osushi tokisudeni


    The inside of the store is nice and clean.

  • 山田浩史



    I think it's good that there is enough eat-in space.

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