Lawson Ota ES in Tokai

JapanLawson Ota ES



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Japan, 〒477-0031 Aichi, Tokai, Ōtamachi, 町畑間36−4
kontakte telefon: +81 562-33-0688
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0191685, Longitude: 136.8987965

kommentare 5

  • 9357



    I bought fried chicken. ① On the cash register table, I touched the uncovered Karaage-kun with my finger and put it back inside. ②I drop the other Karaage-kun on the floor, but I can put it back in the bag. There were people lined up behind me, and I couldn't say anything because it happened so suddenly. . . How is it sanitary? I'm very shocked. .

  • かなやせい



    I visited in early January 2024.

  • 7 7

    7 7


    When shipping Yu Packet Plus, they just handed over the slip without saying a word, without any explanation. By the way, this is my first time sending out mail at Lawson. Normally, the store will separate the customer's receipt and the slip and explain it to you in an easy-to-understand manner. I wonder what the clerk was thinking when he gave the customer the whole thing, just before 17:00 on October 16, 2022. Even if the staff knows how to do it, it doesn't mean that the customers will. Unfriendly store.

  • ルード



    I thought the staff's attitude wasn't as bad as everyone said. I went there at night, but I was more concerned about the people making noise in the parking lot. Also, I looked at the reviews here, and there were a lot of things written about people having bad taste and bad attitude, but is everyone's attitude really good enough to be so bossy? I can understand the store clerk's frustration, but I think people who throw away trash in convenience store parking lots and people who browse while browsing are more insane.

  • atsushi98



    I stopped by around 7:15pm on September 12, 2020, and the clerk wearing glasses was the worst. When I ordered one L tiki, he threw it on the table! I used to use it often, but I will change stores from now on. Owner, please take a good look at the part-time job.

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