Lawson Oita Takemachi-dori en Oita

JapónLawson Oita Takemachi-dori



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
2-chōme-7-18 Chūōmachi, Oita, 870-0035, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 97-533-9301
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.2379162, Longitude: 131.6052575

comentarios 5

  • ちななな



    I bought some ice cream that can be eaten with a spoon, and thought it would be better to use a spoon that would be easier for small children to eat, so I took the spoon from our cafe.It was also my fault, but they changed it to a wooden spoon without saying anything. ! How about I just say, ``This is different, so I'm going to change it.'' It feels really bad! This is the lady clerk who was there around 9pm. By the way, there was no welcome or thank you.

  • 永森



    No matter how many times I call, they don't answer, and there's no point in having a store with foreign employees who just use their smartphones and don't work at all.

  • パンプキン



    The clerks were talking to each other all the time, and even if we caught a glimpse of them, they didn't come to the cash register...They seemed to be really lazy as they worked the cash register.

  • 依田星



    The attitude of Mr. Kitai, an old lady clerk, was the worst. Apparently, he doesn't even understand honorific expressions. When I was leaving the store, I heard you mumble something to yourself in a loud voice towards me, are you okay?

  • Janina Kasiliauskaite

    Janina Kasiliauskaite


    Please, please clean the bathrooms and the sinks...... It stinks......... I am passing by quite often, but conditions are getting worse....

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