Lawson Nishimabashisaiwaicho in Matsudo

JapanLawson Nishimabashisaiwaicho



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
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Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
79 Nishimabashisaiwaichō, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0047, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 47-342-1697
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8125486, Longitude: 139.9140245

kommentare 5

  • むむむ



    It's so bad that I don't even want to give it a 1. Owner? but. I feel pressured by the way I speak. I am surprised. I want you to do something about it.

  • エイジアイス



    I used to work part-time.If you want to work part-time, I definitely don't recommend this store. ・You will be given a restroom break ・They suddenly call you on a day when you don't have a shift and ask them to come in → If you say no, they make sarcastic comments. - Salary deductions (because you dropped a plastic bag and wasted it, etc.) Decent people and foreigners quit immediately. It was so painful that I felt like I was going crazy, so I quit. I've changed my part-time job now, but I made the right decision to quit this shop. I should have quit sooner. postscript A friend of mine also had items thrown at the cash register when he was paying the bill. When I warned her about it, she randomly said, "Yes, yes," and said that she felt sick.

  • クリス松本



    A female clerk dyed in bright colors I have a good impression of them as they respond kindly and politely to help me with things I'm looking for or don't understand. This is an indispensable shop that is rooted in the local area.

  • 塚本飛斗



    I just went to this Lawson for the first time! My eye is injured and I can only see with one eye, so what if I asked you to warm up my lunch? I was told. Moreover, the man has a really bad attitude and I will never come again.

  • Hiroshi Hayakawa

    Hiroshi Hayakawa


    A convenience store located on Icho Dori, which runs into the west exit rotary of Mabashi Station on the Joban Line. Feeling discouraged by the heat, I bought an iced coffee. In my personal opinion, I think 7-Eleven is the best convenience store coffee. Even though it's called Ekimae Dori, there aren't that many people coming and going, so the number of customers inside the store is also reasonable. Next to the copy machine and next to the magazine rack, there were a few regular books for sale on the bookshelf. Convenience stores these days not only sell magazines but also regular books.

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