Lawson Niiza Nobidome 6-chome in Niiza

JapanLawson Niiza Nobidome 6-chome



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
6-chōme-5-18 Nobitome, Niiza, Saitama 352-0011, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 48-423-3234
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8033853, Longitude: 139.5635938

kommentare 5

  • east ricky

    east ricky


    I stopped by earlier to buy Letter Pack. When it comes to convenience stores, Letter Pack is only available at Lawson. I asked the woman at the cash register (99% Chinese), ``Do you have it?'' ” When I asked her, she said, “No.” This is an honorific lol. The immediate response was that it had been out of stock for a long time and [it wasn't available yesterday, so it's not available today]. Even more pure. I will never go there again. Lawson near the station and food garden is good (not for those involved)

  • kuru tsumu

    kuru tsumu


    The clerk, a tall man with black-rimmed glasses and hair tied in a topknot, had a really bad attitude. You'd better get rid of that silly attitude first. Throwing change, don't you understand Japanese? Even if you ask a question, there is no accurate answer. If you hate customer service that much, you should just quit. Well, you can't do any job with that kind of attitude lol Other people have also written about it, so I guess it has always been this way. There is also a problem with the owner of this store, who continues to hire and leave employees like this unchecked.




    The tall clerk has a very bad attitude. When I asked for my lunch box to be warmed up, I was given a tongue-lashing. There are still convenience stores like this. I will never go there again

  • 田中隆彦



    I was treated humiliatingly by a familiar old lady clerk. The other store clerks laughed and didn't stop me either. There is a 7-Eleven within 100 meters of walking, so I recommend that.

  • なの



    The other day, when I went to buy some late-night snacks, a young man was working the cash register. At that time, when I asked for it to be heated, I was met with a cluck, and finally told that I didn't know how to heat it. I know it's a bit rough since I work night shifts, but the customers are the customers, so I want them to take good care of me. For now, I don't think I want to go there again.

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