Lawson Nagano Hoyasu en Nagano

JapónLawson Nagano Hoyasu



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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648-1 Hoyasu, Nagano, 381-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 26-296-8838
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6837609, Longitude: 138.267509

comentarios 5

  • 横谷剛



    The price reduction of Machikado Kitchen products is a little slow.

  • 雪月風花



    There are convenient postboxes both inside and outside the store. The store clerks were also very personable and I felt comfortable shopping there.

  • まこ



    The brown-haired elderly female clerk who was there around 8pm had a really bad attitude. She looks at the customer and glares at her as if licking her from below. I was asked to confirm my age, but they didn't say anything and the customer service was not normal. This is my first time at a convenience store with such a bad attitude. Also, I had a ticket for cigarettes, but they didn't give it to me. You usually give them a receipt, right? Don't you check if you don't need it? Normally I would complain to the head office.

  • みんと



    February 15, 2023 19:00 Renewal open Renewal during the Lawson Too Much Challenge? And since the opening night (lol)

  • 田栗幸和



    It's a long time ago. The coffee at the town cafe is expensive, but if you have a Ponta card, it's half price? There was a time when I was There was once a time when I forgot something at a Ponta credit card store. When I got the idea and called, the manager said on the phone, ``I always only get coffee❗You're a customer who buys from me🎵.'' I should have just told her that I made a mistake on the phone because of the stamps (I always had bad luck with just coffee). There was no customer service even though there were two Lexus cars. In such cases, I should have just told them that I am a customer who always buys coffee. By the way, there are bento boxes made in the store, and they are all delicious.

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