Lawson Miyazaki Oimatsu 1-chome i Miyazaki

JapanLawson Miyazaki Oimatsu 1-chome



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1-chōme-2-60 Oimatsu, Miyazaki, 880-0801, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 985-31-6080
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9119181, Longitude: 131.4300322

kommentar 5

  • マツオカケンイチ



    Since it's nearby, I often use this store, but the service from the person with "Manager" written on the name tag is the worst. I have had many unpleasant experiences due to his over-the-top attitude and unpleasant phrases. The other store staff will be able to help you properly.

  • shinji



    Convenient location but limited parking

  • Kae ygi

    Kae ygi


    It's an easy place to stop by, but there are days when the parking lot is small and difficult to stop by. Probably because everyone is using it.

  • hikage hikage

    hikage hikage


    On August 6, 2020, around 7:45 p.m., I asked a middle-aged male store clerk if I could get a straw for my plastic bottle of barley tea, and the following happened: I was stunned when they looked into my shopping bag and said, ``(The milk I bought at the same time came with a straw), so in that case we won't give it to you.'' I felt that there was no point in talking with him, so I left the store. The milk is for 4-year-olds and the barley tea is for 0-year-olds, but we can't share them. If you are from Miyazaki, you probably know what day it was and what was going on in the area. I think my humanity was tested.

  • Account User

    Account User


    In this store, even though they are lined up in each line as shown in the image, there are sometimes customers who line up in a single line without knowing it. That would be fine, but for some reason the store staff would guide the customers who were lined up correctly, and sometimes people who were lined up correctly could not pay the bill. I want you to be thorough about that. I felt bad because I felt like I was being skipped out of turn.

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