Lawson Iwaki Uchigotakasaka i Iwaki

JapanLawson Iwaki Uchigotakasaka



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Ōmachi-71-3 Uchigōtakasakamachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 973-8408, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 246-27-5622
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.0471983, Longitude: 140.8635136

kommentar 5

  • 堀友



    A female clerk who is currently undergoing training has been working at the cash register, but she is extremely rude and rude! Do they think they are neighbors or friends rather than treating customers as such? how do you teach Or should I just let it do its thing? I don't know if it's a part-time job, but when a different woman was at the cash register, there was no reaction at all when customers came in front of the cash register. The way you don't want to do it There is another clerk, but he doesn't come out right away. It's a convenience store nearby, so I go there many times, but I'm always treated like this. I used to work in customer service myself, so I could tell immediately what kind of clerk he was just by talking to him a little bit. I no longer demand proper customer service because I think this Lawson is like this. Or rather, what kind of weird response will you do today? I'm looking forward to that I'm shocked. You should have thought that there were only strange employees at this convenience store.

  • てつ爺



    When I went shopping around 22:30, there were no customers saying "Welcome" or "Thank you very much!" ️ Also, I didn't get a receipt! ️

  • 笹錦



    It seems that the lid of the iced coffee container has changed recently, and there is a bit of resistance when you push it in to drink it, so it is also difficult to lift it up and drink it. It's a convenience store cafe, but I think the taste varies depending on the size of the cup. The S is normal, the M is a little thinner, and the L is even thinner, so considering the difference in price, I feel like I lost a lot of money. Therefore, if you want to drink it, I recommend the smallest size, S. Also, there are times when I get a bad taste, probably right after I clean the machine.

  • T Shogo

    T Shogo


    I stopped by late at night, and as I was counting the coins I had taken out to pay the bill, the clerk quietly told me that I didn't need to count them. I am writing a review because it was unpleasant. I don't recommend this as it is likely to cause you to lose your temper.

  • Law-ろう



    I had a part-time job here. It's garbage. It's been a while since I quit, but I still haven't been paid for that month. The work environment is not only difficult, but they are also forced to work for 853 yen, which is less than the minimum wage. It's a lot of trouble. Also, since it's a shared locker, you can smell other people's uniforms (from Lawson). Especially foreigners do not take a bath every day because their culture is different from Japan. Therefore, it is a little difficult for the smell to get onto my clothes.

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