Lawson; Ishikari Hanakawa Kita w 石狩市

JaponiaLawson; Ishikari Hanakawa Kita



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Japan, 〒061-3212 北海道石狩市花川北2条5丁目61
kontakt telefon: +81 133-73-7008
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.1544496, Longitude: 141.311554

komentarze 5

  • 坂本龍一(蕎麦屋のカレー)



    Parking is easy. It's not fashionable, but it has a practical feel.

  • ごじはん



    A part-time worker who works around 10pm on Thursday nights, his voice is so low that he can't hear it. It's the worst store, because if you ask for the cashier while you're stocking shelves with other kids, they handle the items shoddily and get angry. There are many other good convenience stores nearby, so let's go elsewhere. This is a store where I think they are struggling to train part-time workers due to a lack of human resources.

  • ロリポップソニック



    My part-time workers often change, and everyone's voice is low and they never say things like "Sorry to have kept you waiting" or "Please come by", which usually makes me uncomfortable. I went there for the first time in a while and today was also terrible. Most kids are like that, so I guess the owner either doesn't tell them or thinks it's okay. After driving a little further, I found a big new Lawson, so I decided to go there even if it was a little detour.

  • go jasper

    go jasper


    A convenience store with an unusual entrance. The entrance is set back, probably because of the strong wind and snow in winter. Convenience stores in northern and eastern Hokkaido The entrance was flush with the glass on the wall (they were lined up on the same plane), and there was a windbreak room on the outside. I've never seen one in Honshu either. Because snowstorms are so bad, this must have been taken into consideration from the design stage.

  • 村木正義



    There are many 7-Eleven convenience stores in Hanakawa, Ishikari City. There are few Lawsons. The variety of products is normal, but I think the stock is low.

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