Lawson Hamamatsu Aritama South Shop en Hamamatsu

JapónLawson Hamamatsu Aritama South Shop



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1486-1 Aritama Minamimachi, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3122, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-433-2601
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7534797, Longitude: 137.7499524

comentarios 5

  • さとーよーた



    This is a convenience store I often go to. The parking lot is spacious and the store is clean. The clerk's attitude is also good. …but! ! ! ! just! ! ! The toilet is clean but dirty😂 To be exact, the toilet itself is clean, but some customers who come during the day seem to be rough with how they use it, so it's often dirty. This is completely the customer's fault. The plate that says ``Thank you for always keeping it clean'' is sad... Didn't your mother teach you to clean up yourself if you make a mess? ! ? I’m not even a store employee, so I clean it every time! ? God is in the toilet! ! ! ...The above was a complaint about customers using the toilet 😂




    Good location, easy access, and good customer service.

  • モモ



    If you don't like it, why don't you quit this job? ? I think. I don't expect much from convenience store clerks, but I would like them to stop making me feel bad after just a few minutes of buying something and taking it home.

  • Dunk Roox

    Dunk Roox


    It's a little inconvenient because the hot snacks are self-service. I think it's because of the coronavirus pandemic, but I feel like there's a strange distinction between what you should do and what you don't have to do.

  • modmat



    Although it was new, the customer service was at the lowest level. There was no explanation for the trouble or for becoming a selfie. Compared to other convenience stores, where customers are asked to do their own microwaves, are the customers benefiting because the employees are having fun?

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