Lawson Funabashi Nishifuna 6-chome en Funabashi

JapónLawson Funabashi Nishifuna 6-chome



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
6-chōme-10-3 Nishifuna, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 47-302-2010
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.715966, Longitude: 139.956245

comentarios 5

  • ふれい



    When I asked about the self-checkout system, the store staff did it for me without saying anything.

  • 颯太



    The female clerk who came in during the day had a very bad attitude. No greetings, no eye contact. It's not "No. 128?" or "What about the bag?", right? Even though I'm Japanese and in my 40s and can't serve customers properly, I'm too embarrassed to tell foreigners how I treat them.

  • 午後の紅茶



    I had recently moved to a new place, so I got lost on the way home and my smartphone was out of charge, so I happened to be passing by this Lawson store and stopped by. I told the staff member who was stocking the items that I was sorry to hear that she was at work, but I told her I would like her to call me a taxi, and she called me to a number of different places. However, I was in trouble because the weather was bad and all the taxis were occupied, but I was able to call a taxi using Taxi GO if I charged my smartphone, so when I told them about it, they let me charge it and they did a great job. I succeeded in calling. They let me charge my battery until the last minute until the taxi arrived, and they made small talk with me. This was a great relief for me as I was very nervous! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused to the two clerks, but they were really helpful, thank you very much! ! ! Next time I would like to stop by as a normal customer without getting lost. I will definitely come again!

  • まろまろ



    When I entered the store in the early afternoon, I saw two foreign women who were engrossed in chatting. When I brought the items to the register, I didn't notice them because they were chatting with their backs to me. Of course, there was no "Welcome" or "Thank you."

  • ゆうじ



    When driving into the store, please be careful of the small curb near the crosswalk.The other day when it snowed, I couldn't see the curb and hit my car.The staff was very friendly.

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