LAWSON Dogo Haikaradori en Matsuyama

JapónLAWSON Dogo Haikaradori



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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20-24 Dōgoyunomachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0842, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-932-8883
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8521402, Longitude: 132.7852819

comentarios 5

  • 杉浦T



    It is famous for its L-shaped swallow's nest. It's convenient because it's open until late at night. Most arcades close around 7pm. Souvenirs are also placed at the entrance. He was a young man working part-time, but he was polite.

  • Mckee J

    Mckee J


    It is famous for the swallow's nest in L. Genuine Imabari towels are sold at a very low price. When I went, bath towels were 700 yen each, so I bought them right away. Towels are 550 yen. Since it sells every day, the pattern is different every time, so try removing it in the morning and at night (^^) Bath towels are the cheapest at souvenir shops in the shopping district.

  • 池端大輔



    This store is famous for the swallows that build their nests in the "L" corner of Lawson. The "L" light is not lit at night because of the swallows. This Lawson store has a wide variety of souvenirs, perhaps because of the location of Dogo Onsen, so it's a great place to buy souvenirs!

  • 放浪するm



    A convenience store near Dogo Onsen. In addition to Matsuyama souvenirs, the store is stocked with products that are all about Ehime's mandarin oranges. I have the impression that the sales of Mikan Chu-Hi were very good.

  • ponsuke Ponsuke

    ponsuke Ponsuke


    It's very convenient as it's close to the inn area of ​​Dogo Onsen. There are also some souvenirs. I bought a few Dogo mini bottles with pictures of the Akiyama Brothers and Botchan Train for myself and Baramaki. I thought it was sold elsewhere, but I couldn't find the mini size, so I bought it here just in case.

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