Lawson w Okayama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
851-5 Mishima, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0206, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-281-7574
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6102024, Longitude: 133.8511695

komentarze 5

  • sky



    No matter when I go, the selection is poor. Where I tried to use Loppi There was a message on the machine asking me to call a clerk because there was not enough paper, so when I called the clerk, I was only told to wait for a moment. A number of staff members come to take a look, then immediately return to the cash register and begin other tasks. Even though I waited for more than 5 minutes, they didn't say anything to me. I thought it would be a waste of time to wait any longer, so I went to another store. I'm not expecting too much friendliness from a convenience store, but I wish they would have been a little more considerate, as mentioned in other people's reviews.

  • M A

    M A


    I've brought small children with me before, and I didn't think it was okay to do anything to the children, such as cleaning the area near the child's feet and putting products firmly in front of the child at the cash register. I wonder if it was... (The child was quiet.) I don't want convenience store clerks to be friendly, but I do want them to stop being aggressive. The closest Lawson is here, but when I want to go to Lawson, I go to Hayashima.

  • 平松貴之



    A clerk knows what kind of cigarettes a customer is buying and reaches for the shelf without saying a word. I use it every morning, and it's a nice shop.

  • hood neighbor

    hood neighbor


    I've been using this store for a long time because it's close by, but most of the staff are not very pleasant. Even though the staff may change, it's always like that. I think that kind of attitude is something that is passed on and becomes similar among the store staff, so I think that is the color of this store. In addition, the display of product prices on the shelves is not updated at all, and there are many cases where the displayed price and the actual price are discrepant due to recent price increases. It's fine if it's a private store, but I feel like it's rare for convenience stores to have such sloppy management.

  • 桃太郎



    It's a normal Lawson. I think it's convenient because it's attached to a gas station. Campaign product pop-ups may be posted on different products, or may continue to be posted even though the campaign has ended. Be careful if you are looking for a campaign.

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