Lawson in Asahikawa




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Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
Japan, 〒079-8412 Hokkaido, Asahikawa, Nagayama 2 Jō, 2-chōme−42−8
kontakte telefon: +81 166-48-8868
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.7887743, Longitude: 142.3984584

kommentare 5

  • 星影蘭



    The part-timer named Mr. Ta○, who is in his 40s or 50s? I think the store clerks other than the old lady are fine, and I've heard Mr. Ta○ complain about the younger store clerks many times. I feel sorry for the other staff members, as they are doing this even when they can't see it in front of the customers. I feel like the quality of this Lawson is going down just because of this person, so I'm writing this here. I hope that the owner and the store manager see this review and take action.

  • 内田千枝子



    You shouldn't hand over the receipt with one hand. We're not friends.

  • 高砂あさっぴー



    Lawson on Taisetsu-dori in Nagayama. The parking lot is not that wide.

  • ちるろこちょ



    I only used it a few times before going to work, but the staff's customer service was poor, as they didn't greet me when they entered or left the store. For some reason, I felt that the atmosphere was difficult to shop in, so I stopped going there after that.

  • まは



    The staff member was very nice. You are welcome to ask me anything.

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