Lawson en Chuo City




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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
2-chōme-16-10 Shinkawa, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3523-6721
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6751571, Longitude: 139.7824996

comentarios 5

  • サーバル好き“長耳猫”さん



    The attitude of the staff at Hao is too bad. He was silent the entire time while serving the customer, and even when I asked him to give me an L tiki, he was silent. He repeats it a second time and starts to move, looking displeased, but remains silent. It's too cruel to play with my smartphone. This is the first time I've ever seen a store clerk who doesn't need even 100 yen an hour.

  • 佐藤正幸



    I think the staff here are probably the worst of all the convenience stores in Tokyo. I will never use it again

  • AKIRA m

    AKIRA m


    Sometimes the store closes after 10 p.m. with a handwritten note saying it is temporarily closed. Did you get permission from the headquarters?

  • 大関浩幸



    If I order a limited edition apple bun, what do I do with the bag? I asked the new employee if a young person would come later and I would explain the details in detail.Do you need a dish towel? I do not need it I thought it was disgusting, but I went back to the office and was looking forward to it, but it was a rip-off of the apple bun... Meat buns! Can you confuse apple buns with meat buns?

  • w sun

    w sun


    I was surprised at the poor reception of the cashier, who was named Sa◯, was unfriendly, and immediately started other tasks without greeting me. The other staff members also smoked cigarettes before going to work or outside before entering the store (smoking on the streets is prohibited in Chuo Ward).As a working member of society who is paid a salary, this is so cruel that I don't even realize it. Although it must be difficult for store managers, it is important to train store staff to improve their manners. There seem to be good staff at other times, but that one is just too bad. I use this service from time to time in my neighborhood, but I feel very uncomfortable before going to work, so I would like to request improvements.

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