LaQua ラクーア in Bunkyō-ku

JapanLaQua ラクーア



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒112-0003 Tōkyō-to, Bunkyō-ku, Kasuga, 1 Chome−1, 文京区春日1丁目1−1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5800-9999
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7068133, Longitude: 139.7533408

kommentare 5

  • Boris BEBELSKI

    Boris BEBELSKI


    That roller coaster was insane !!! Great place to spend half a day but you will get bored if you're there too long. Come afer 5pm for rides it is much quieter and lines are pretty much nonexistent

  • Tatsuro Ogata

    Tatsuro Ogata


    Great amusement spa at Tokyo. Not so high price, parking available, variety of baths and saunas, relaxing room with nice integrated system (no cash needed inside facility)

  • Sofiastar Bogomil Rashkov

    Sofiastar Bogomil Rashkov


    Excellent place in the heart of Tokyo for a couple with or without children to enjoy day out. Lot of fun activities,places to dine and relax it's a place that you can go and spend a day easily without getting bored.

  • en

    Athena Nguyen


    Amazing onsen experience with indoor and outdoor onsens, salt room, sauna, nap rooms and restaurants. A place where you can spend all day relaxing!

  • Cristian Kovadloff

    Cristian Kovadloff


    The place is big, confortable, varied and the time there is enjoyable. My only complaint is the price. ¥2800 per adult. It’s really expensive!!!

nächste Einkaufszentrum

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