LaQua ラクーア i Bunkyō-ku

JapanLaQua ラクーア



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Japan, 〒112-0003 Tōkyō-to, Bunkyō-ku, Kasuga, 1 Chome−1, 春日1丁目1−1
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5800-9999
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7068133, Longitude: 139.7533408

kommentar 5

  • Abdullah Bin Hayyan

    Abdullah Bin Hayyan


    Great place to visit for families ,Moomin Cafe & Bubba Gump are the main Attractions here

  • Scott Greenwald

    Scott Greenwald


    A hidden gem in the middle of Tokyo! Great place to relax for the day. There are several baths, both indoor and outdoor, and at least three saunas that I saw. Didn't pay extra for the upstairs portion, but I heard there were even more saunas up there.

  • Fi Ri

    Fi Ri


    Spa LqQua is a Spa haven. Many hot spring selection and relaxing selection. Felt like a mini vacation here.

  • Andrik Lamenov

    Andrik Lamenov


    Fun mall with lots to do. There's a ferris wheel, roller coaster, water slide. The mall is home to lots of shopping and restaurants, and includes a spa/onsen! Excellent place to spend time, even more so considering nearby Tokyo dome.

  • Jivtesh Singh

    Jivtesh Singh


    What an amazing onsen! This is where the locals go. Onsen is great but so are the relaxation areas. A little expensive compared to suburban onsens but it’s very central - and well worth it

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