La mere Ringonoki (Aokijimaten) in Nagano

JapanLa mere Ringonoki (Aokijimaten)



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4-chōme-2-1 Aokijima, Nagano, 381-2247, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 120-014-882
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6157554, Longitude: 138.1792764

kommentare 5

  • NANIAIかず



    My first cake shop after moving to Nagano City Coffee and Mont Blanc at the in-store cafe A classic. Both delicious. The store is bright and the staff are bright and cheerful. Outside, the staff members are carefully tending to the many plants and flowers. It's a nice day and I think I'll be able to live in Nagano from now on. On the way home, I bought several types of cakes and baked goods to try out.

  • s ogn

    s ogn


    This is a store with polite staff. In a sense, it had the atmosphere of a high-end store. As soon as you enter the store, there is a take-out sweets corner, and there is a space in the back right where you can eat. I ordered a cake set for ¥800 and ate it inside the store. The Japanese Chestnut Mont Blanc and Apple Tea were delicious with a rich chestnut flavor. Payment method…cash/credit card

  • ぽてモン



    I came here because I wanted to eat shaved ice. Everything looks delicious at the cake shop. Order shaved ice without forgetting your purpose. The store staff are bright, polite, and reassuring. I ordered the apricot shaved ice. Seriously good. The pulp is so juicy that I just want it (lol).The mint jelly with a strange taste is also nice. I am grateful for the sabre and hojicha that come with the palate cleanser. The photo is dark due to backlighting and doesn't look good, but I'm sorry.

  • 宮田浩行



    I bought a cake because I was sure it was from a local. There were many different types in the showcase, but this time I bought three types of cheesecake. All of them are reasonably priced and delicious! There were many good souvenirs such as bousses and apple sables. It was quite lively even in the afternoon on a weekday. Parking is easy and there is a cafe attached, so next time I would like to eat at the cafe inside. Thank you for the meal.

  • Chris Smiddy

    Chris Smiddy


    Great desserts!

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