Kyoto Yamashina-Misasagi Post Office in Kyoto

JapanKyoto Yamashina-Misasagi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

9 Misasagiharanishicho, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, 607-8424, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-581-9960
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.995424, Longitude: 135.803339

kommentare 2

  • S T

    S T


    The staff's response was polite and very nice.

  • a



    The response from the station staff and director is terrible. Even if the customer is made to feel uncomfortable due to improper guidance or lack of explanations, the customer will automatically say, ``There is nothing wrong with me, so I don't even feel the need to apologize.'' When I tried to take a photo of my name tag instead of the business card that seemed to be out of stock, he suddenly threatened to call the police. The station director asks if we can wait until the call center is connected, even from the post office, and the station staff continues to hide their identities even after we tell them we won't take pictures. Since he did not want to reveal his affiliation, the director handed him a concise memo of unknown authenticity on his behalf. To make matters worse, a male customer I didn't know who he was from threatened me and told me to leave without complaining. The customer seemed to be trying not to leave until I was away from the post office. He must have been an ``important customer.'' Let's take action from officials at city and ward offices. What is privatization?

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