Kurekyosai Clinics w Kure

JaponiaKurekyosai Clinics



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2-chōme-3-番28号 Nishichūō, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0811, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 823-22-2111
strona internetowej: www.kure-kyosai.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2488322, Longitude: 132.5585436

komentarze 5

  • 赤い彗星



    I worked as an oral surgeon for my child's tooth extraction. I was worried after reading the reviews, but it wasn't that bad. Both the doctor and the hygienist were very courteous. I sometimes see comments about the staff's terrible attitude, but I think it would be nice if they could provide proper examination and treatment since it's a hospital. I don't expect such a kind of response. Compared to medical errors, unkindness is cute. I think it's better to feel free to ask about anything you don't understand. It's best not to take it for granted that they will tell you everything without you having to ask. Not only at mutual aid hospitals, but in hospital reviews, if a doctor smiles, some people feel like they've been made fun of, and if they don't smile, they're said to be unfriendly, and I think that's a tough situation for hospital staff as well. I have also been cared for at many hospitals, and while it is natural for me not to act in an arrogant manner, treating myself as a "patient = customer," as long as I clearly communicate my wishes and questions, I am not treated in such a bad manner. I've never done it before.

  • 連長カレイ



    Early in the morning and in the middle of the night, parents and children scream like animals, run around, and make noise. No matter how many times I ask them to be quiet, they get angry, Making excuses that you know are lies, Even when I apologized to them, they ignored me, In the middle of the night, I was provoked by voices and footsteps. A hospital with a doctor whose father is arrogant and selfish. It seems that until now, there has never been a cruel person who caused trouble to this extent. He is a person who makes others uncomfortable and unhappy just by being around him. "I didn't think he was a father with a child. I thought he was a toddler." His bad personality shows in his face and actions. "A disgrace to mutual aid." Is this hospital understaffed with such terrible employment? I feel sorry for the patient who is not at all able to apologize for such a mistake, and is seen by a problem child who, without paying attention, makes noise with the child early in the morning or in the middle of the night, causing noise trouble. Aren't you embarrassed that you've been bothering me for so long and acting like a child? feel ill. He's already an abnormal person. Get out quickly. Gastrointestinal surgery

  • うすしお



    This is truly the worst nursing care. Not worth giving even 1 star. Risk management is too poor. My grandfather had an IV drip, and because he had dementia, he wore mittens on his hands (so he wouldn't pull the tube out himself). One day, the nurse forgot to put mittens on my grandfather, and he removed the tube from his neck. From then on, things got worse and worse. Even after changing the IV drip, I left the bag of the IV drip on the bed and left. He also suffered from aspiration pneumonia and was unable to receive oral nutrition. Despite this, oral care is not provided at all. It's so dry from my lips to the back of my throat that when I touch it with a cotton swab, it bleeds immediately. My grandfather always said, ``I'm thirsty.'' When I asked the nurse, ``Can I give you some water?'', she answered lightly, ``It's totally fine, isn't it?'' I asked her, ``Are you okay?'' and she said, ``It's totally fine.'' Shortly thereafter, my grandfather contracted a bacterial infection and passed away. I will not reveal the name of the illness. In the middle of winter, when oral care cannot be neglected, nurses do not provide any care to a patient who has aspiration and cannot drink water. I always regret that I could have lived longer if I hadn't been hospitalized here. Even when other patients pressed the nurse call button, they didn't come, and it took over 10 rings before they finally got the call, only to be cut off abruptly. It takes quite a while to arrive. Her nursing skills were the worst, as she lacked crisis management skills and didn't seem to care about the patients.

  • Yoshinobu N.

    Yoshinobu N.


    2022.5.19 Metabolic medicine consultation... I moved from Tokyo to Kure City and was nervous about my first visit based on a letter of introduction, but the female doctor, Dr. T, was very thorough in answering my concerns and questions. postscript… 2023.5.23 (Change of attending physician) The female doctor, Dr. Y, has never felt the slightest bit of pain or anxiety. t-sensei as well as me I'm really glad I found a good doctor who answered all my concerns and questions carefully and who I could entrust with my entire body. postscript… 2023.8.26 Visited an ophthalmologist Did. The teachers and staff were very considerate. postscript… 2023.9.19 Visited a dermatologist Did. He is a very thorough teacher who answers all my questions and concerns. The staff were friendly and made me feel at ease so I didn't feel anxious. Thank you for coming to see me even though it was very crowded. If you are looking for a dermatologist, you can rest assured here. I can recommend it. It's crowded probably because it's popular. postscript… 2024.1.12 Visited plastic surgeon Did. The female teacher was very soft and polite in answering questions so that I didn't feel anxious. I felt that he was a doctor who explained the surgery in a very easy to understand manner and I could trust him with confidence. thank you very much. Good luck with your surgery. 2024.1.23 Atherectomy at plastic surgery I received this. At the last consultation, the doctor I felt completely at ease. It's my first surgery I was a little nervous. Did you know that before the treatment? He gave me an intravenous drip. Female nurses also He led me to the operating room. Click here for female nurses He asked me if I had any concerns and had a chat with him to ease my nerves. Thanks to you It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes from the infusion to the end without any pain or discomfort. I was able to finish without feeling anything. Really thank you very much.

  • K M

    K M


    Thank you for your help in removing my wisdom teeth. Although I was referred from another hospital, both the staff and the doctor treated me kindly. I felt reluctant to call the counter during busy hours, but the service was polite. The explanation before the treatment was thorough, and if I couldn't make a decision, I could do it at a later date. I'm really thankful to you.

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