Kurazukuri Hompo Kubomachi Main Store en Kawagoe

JapónKurazukuri Hompo Kubomachi Main Store



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5-3 Kubomachi, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0055, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 49-225-0030
sitio web: www.kuradukuri.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9192576, Longitude: 139.4873856

comentarios 5

  • ちゃろ



    ⧉┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⧉ - ̗̀Kawagoe souvenirs🐣☀ ̖́- ⧉┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⧉ 𓊆Kurazukuri Honpo Kubocho Main Store𓊇 ♡ Saitama♥Honkawagoe ♡ 📋my pick ・Bennyaka-kun ♡ A souvenir from a relative.ˬ.)" A sweet potato that is moist and smooth to the touch *⸜( •ᴗ• )⸝* The delicious aroma of butter and fresh cream spreads in your mouth (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) It's a little dangerous that you can eat as many pieces as you want because it's not heavy (๑°༥°๑) ♡ Store name: Kurazukuri Honpo Kubocho Main Store Reservations: Possible Access: About 8 minutes from Honkawagoe. 796m from Honkawagoe Station Business hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 - 19:00 Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00 No regular holiday ♡ #Beniakun #sweet potato #Kurazukuri Honpo #Kawagoe sweets #Saitama #Ayakuni excellent brand products #food sweets #Saitama Summary #Saitama Gourmet #Saitama tourism #Saitama tourist spots #Saitama Sweets #Saitama souvenirs #Saitama order #Saitama souvenirs #Saitama specialty #home cafe #souvenir #Little Edo Kawagoe #Kawagoe Gourmet #Japanese sweets shop

  • ISAO K

    ISAO K


    I received it as a souvenir from an acquaintance.It seems to be a long-established Japanese sweets store in Kawagoe.I received an assortment of Japanese sweets.The traditional monaka was very delicious, but the best part was the one made with Kawagoe's specialty, sweet potato. The Western sweets were delicious.My favorite was the sweet potato called Beniaka-kun.It seems to be the most popular confectionery.

  • 川井一平



    A Japanese sweets shop representing Kawagoe, This is a restaurant that I had heard about from Kawagoe residents several times and thought, ``I definitely want to visit.'' The store is spacious, There are many types of sweets, The staff's service is also appropriate. I was able to enjoy shopping. I also arranged for souvenirs to be sent to my parents' home. They responded smoothly. Next time I visit Kawagoe, You'll probably buy some souvenirs here! However, there are so many types of sweets that I don't know what to choose. If there are any recommendations on how to exhibit or from the staff, Looks like you'll have even more fun shopping.

  • ke si

    ke si


    This is the main store of Kurazukuri Honpo. The store is said to have the largest selection of products and the largest selection of products. This is the perfect store if you want to choose and buy a variety of items. You can sample it. The type changes depending on the time. When I went there, I had Momojumochi (Mochi Mochi). The texture was chewy and delicious. I ended up buying some as souvenirs for my family.

  • T L

    T L


    Nice and clean and pretty and delicious

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