Kurasushi Toyota Nishikicho in Toyota

JapanKurasushi Toyota Nishikicho



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-62-1 Nishikichō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0877, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 565-37-7610
webseite: shop.kurasushi.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0723279, Longitude: 137.159784

kommentare 5

  • Letícia Marcon

    Letícia Marcon


    The best food ever. Me and my husband loves sushi. The place is very clean and the food comes really fast.

  • Muhammad Amaan-Ullah

    Muhammad Amaan-Ullah


    It's was my farewell from my Toyota colleague i had a great time there.

  • Maison Ray

    Maison Ray


    Was here during off peak hours. Nearly empty restaurant with only one or two tables. This is a self service Japanese sushi restaurant. Most of the dishes are good! Fresh ingredients. Some of the dishes may not look like what is shown in the menu. Inexpensive.

  • Donnald John Belen

    Donnald John Belen


    This conveyor type sushi place is really great. they have a very good anti-covid policy. their sushi has a smart cover which allows customers to easily take a dish while staying safe. you also get a chance to win a gachapon for every 5 dishes. gachapon contains a featured item for the season. no japanese? no worries as they have an English option on their tablet.. also you don't need to know japanese to judge if the dish on the conveyor is good. 😊

  • Waqar Ansariii

    Waqar Ansariii


    One of my favourite dine in place. Enjoy the experience of sushi in Japan with most convenient restaurant. Sushi and Udon quality is extremely good. Desserts are another add on for kids. Cheers!

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