Kurashiki Municipal Hospital w 倉敷市

JaponiaKurashiki Municipal Hospital


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Japan, 〒711-0921 岡山県倉敷市児島駅前2丁目39
kontakt telefon: +81 86-472-8111
strona internetowej: www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4672195, Longitude: 133.8063993

komentarze 5

  • S S

    S S


    I was referred from another hospital and was examined by Dr. Eda, director of the internal medicine department. He examined each patient in an easy-to-understand and thorough manner, and I felt that he cared deeply for his patients. I was worried because this hospital didn't have good reviews, but everyone was so kind. However, the waiting time is really long, so it's difficult when you're not feeling well.

  • 月宮Tukimiya



    Dr. Okano, the surgeon, sincerely sympathizes with the patient's feelings of pain and suffering, and does his best to find ways to improve the symptoms as much as possible 😊 It's charming that the consultation time is a little long ✨ I hope you all appreciate it. We will find the best solution for your troubles! Thanks to my teacher, I have been saved many times 🤗 He is a very friendly person and I think anyone can talk to him easily. That is also the result of your kindness 🙏✨✨ I am always indebted to you ꉂ 🤭 Thank you (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)♡♡ Most of the nurses are very friendly so I feel at ease. It's a local hospital that you can trust with peace of mind (๑´ㅂ`๑)❀.*・゚

  • i sk

    i sk


    The internal medicine department's telephone response was the worst. You may be concerned about your physical condition, Even after doing a lot of research in advance, there are still things I don't understand. I told the receptionist that I wanted to make an appointment. I checked with the internal medicine department and they connected me. It was not convenient for me, so I waited for a call back. Is that the female nurse from the internal medicine department that I connected with there? Phone support was the worst... An attitude that makes people look down on you, He speaks with a half-smile and has a strong tone. Anyway, it was very unpleasant. I was treated like I was being turned away at the door. 《If you come to receive it, please decide what you will do》 《If you come by ○ o'clock, you will have to pay the actual cost lol》 《You can't make a reservation lol》 It was said above. It's a big hospital in this area, Because it's always crowded I apologize for being busy, Be as concise and easy to understand as possible Even though I was speaking carefully... I was told that I was wrong. The response from the person at the reservation desk was very good. He listened to me sincerely. I used to go to the otorhinolaryngology department at this hospital. I have been hospitalized, ENT doctors and nurses The other nurses were also polite. This time I was even more shocked. I have never been examined by an internist. I don't know how the teacher will respond. He may be a very good teacher, but The nurse who answered the phone was the worst.

  • kaji mitsu

    kaji mitsu


    ☆I don't want to add one at all. I took a family member who was complaining of not feeling well, but the examination was like a sermon. (No inspection whatsoever) If you cannot properly examine the Please decline the request at the time of telephone inquiry. Everyone involved, including medical personnel and security guards, was the worst, and I have never experienced such unpleasant treatment. I was finally able to see a doctor Have you ever thought about the feelings of a patient who sheds tears as soon as he leaves the room after receiving a lecture-like examination? Even now, several days later, I'm still angry. I immediately went to another hospital and was immediately admitted. I wonder what the citizens were examined for. postscript A week after I had something to do with my family, I went to see an otorhinolaryngologist. The otorhinolaryngologist also had an arrogant attitude and his examination was like a lecture. What kind of person are you? I can't understand what you're saying at all, Why did you come here? It was even said. (This is the result of consultation at the reception desk due to severe dizziness. I didn't personally want to become an otolaryngologist. ) Neither the nurse nor the doctor seemed to be listening to me, laughing while I was explaining the situation. Like my family, I couldn't stop crying after I left the doctor's office. I will never go again, even if it's for another department.

  • Darkness



    I and my child don't have legs, so I'm here to take care of them. I think the pediatrician is still good. However, I have a chronic illness and go to the hospital regularly, and the receptionist's attitude is arrogant. When I had my blood drawn, I couldn't believe my eyes as I let go of my hand from the needle even though the blood had not yet been drawn. Even when I have blood drawn at other hospitals, my hands never get numb or anything like that. When I was a nurse here, I had severe pain in my arm on the side where blood was drawn for about a week. It's okay to chat with other nurses while drawing blood from patients, but I wish they would concentrate more on their work. I'm scared. every time. Also, it seems that WiFi is available, but as for security measures, I think it would be better to avoid weak WiFi that cannot be used if the door of the private room is closed.

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