Kurashiki Ivy Square i Kurashiki

JapanKurashiki Ivy Square


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7-2 Honmachi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0054, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-422-0011
internet side: www.ivysquare.co.jp
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Latitude: 34.5947279, Longitude: 133.7745473

kommentar 5

  • Joop Tablet

    Joop Tablet


    Housekeeping damaged a phone charger by accident, and before we even got back to the room they had replaced the item with a far more expensive version. Superb service! And beautiful hotel in general.

  • Helena Li

    Helena Li


    There were so many good things about unique hotel, amazing room (we stayed at デラックスツインB, highly recommended the upgrade), and even better location centralized at Kurashiki. Their breakfast buffet served well-grilled steak, with speedy refills! The hotel itself is a popular historical spot in town with scenic sights and some nice stores to shop around.

  • Neil - The Backpack Adventures

    Neil - The Backpack Adventures


    This hotel was formerly a textile factory. It was repurposed and given a new life and is now a 3-star hotel in the heart of Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter. The hotel has clean rooms, good amenities, and is conveniently located inside Kurashiki City's famed tourist spot.

  • Leah Mi Amor

    Leah Mi Amor


    A great place to just chill and relax., take a few walks at their parks, foods and drinks are available inside too. I love the aesthetic of this place. Had taken lots of photos.

  • Gizem Andako

    Gizem Andako


    We have stayed here with our 4 year old son. The rooms are enough big for a family of three. The building is an old textile factory converted into a hotel, main areas gives you the feeling that you are staying in an antique building but rooms are renovated short time ago. Location is super convenient if you want to explore Bikan Quarter. Definitely recommended!

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