Kurashiki Coffee-kan in Kurashiki

JapanKurashiki Coffee-kan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-1 Honmachi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0054, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-424-5516
webseite: www.kurashiki-coffeekan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.595668, Longitude: 133.772049

kommentare 5

  • LHL



    Lovely place to stop for a break and have a coffee. We had the iced cafe au lait and it was absolutely delicious! Ended up buying some drip coffee bags too to bring back for friends

  • Alfred Shek

    Alfred Shek


    No need special words, if you want to enjoy a wonderful coffee, this is the place

  • Richie



    You might miss the entrance if you do not look closely. It is a quiet, well decorated place. Even if you do not like alcohol, their other cream-topped drinks are delicious.

  • Lindsey McCandless

    Lindsey McCandless


    Beautiful coffee shop right on the canal in the historical district in Kurashiki. We had a single-origin from Yemen and a cappuccino with cinnamon on top and both were delicious. It was the perfect place to pass an hour in peace and quiet and the wifi was quite fast.

  • Jessica



    I ordered the “Amber Queen” coffee which is a seasonal coffee that’s only available from October to June and it’s the best coffee I’ve ever had. It was rich, not astringent and had the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness. It was so good, I came back the next day and had two cups of it. Do note that they only serve coffee and do not have any food.

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