Kurashiki City Hospital in Kurashiki

JapanKurashiki City Hospital



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2-chōme-7-53 Kojimaatsu, Kurashiki, Okayama 711-0923, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-472-7111
webseite: kyouaikai.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.451591, Longitude: 133.805826

kommentare 5

  • eel鰻



    I think it's a good hospital. Under your guidance, my health has improved considerably. I will be happy to assist you again if you need anything. thank you very much! 🙇🏻

  • mi it

    mi it


    I went to the doctor on duty. Before the end of the year, I got gastroenteritis and couldn't go get an inhaler for my asthma. I was examined by a doctor named Dr. Higashi. He was very kind and helpful. I would also like to thank the receptionist for being so kind and concerned about me, who was unfamiliar with the area and had no sense of direction. I was so grateful because I thought he would get mad at me for not getting any inhalation. I'm really thankful to you.

  • MOおやじ



    Everything was good, including the reception. It was my first visit, but the doctor happened to be on duty, so I had no complaints! I have continued to visit the hospital since then, and it is a nice hospital where everyone is kind and the doctors explain things well.

  • mari mari

    mari mari


    The female teachers and nurses are kind and generally open-minded, giving me the impression that it's a rural hospital. However, even when there are not many patients, the waiting time seems long. Are you forgotten? I get worried and a little irritated.

  • Riana



    My family member was hospitalized, but I was in a lot of trouble because I wasn't being treated properly. I saw him being yelled at to put on a diaper even though he could go to the bathroom. It's a very appropriate hospital.

nächste Krankenhaus

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