Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital i Kumamoto

JapanKumamoto Kinoh Hospital



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6-chōme-6-8番1号 Yamamuro, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0084, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-345-8111
internet side: www.juryo.or.jp
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Latitude: 32.8465253, Longitude: 130.7175313

kommentar 5

  • みかんが好き



    I'm seeing an orthopedic surgeon, but perhaps because he's so busy, he doesn't really listen to me during the consultation, and the appointment ends quickly. Even when I tried to find the right timing to ask questions, the doctor only gave me quick answers, and the atmosphere was so tense that I couldn't get a detailed, detailed explanation.Every time, I was left in agony, unable to understand the details of the treatment or explanations. I will go home as. I would like to see more time per patient and more thorough examination. Also, my doctor asked me how I am feeling. They didn't ask me anything, they didn't look at or touch the affected area, they just looked at the X-rays, and I was told that my condition was in remission and that I didn't need to come back anymore. Personally, the affected area is still swollen and is almost the same as it was when I first visited the doctor, so I think it is hard to call it remission. I have always trusted this hospital as an orthopedic surgeon in terms of medical treatment and technical aspects, but I feel that things have changed a little recently.

  • takao tytmkt

    takao tytmkt


    I was taken care of in the convalescent ward (neurology department) for about five months. After I was discharged from the hospital, I went to Kiyoga-en, which is attached to the hospital, for about 6 months for day rehabilitation, and at the same time, I went to home-visit rehabilitation for about 2 years and 7 months.Even after I graduated from Seiga-en, I received various outpatient services at our hospital. . I plan to continue using it in the future. My doctor is very kind, courteous, and trustworthy. The first doctor in charge was also transferred, but I still see him occasionally in the hospital, and he is still as kind as ever. The nurse in charge at the time of my hospitalization was very kind and saved me, and the other nurses were also people I respect. Most importantly, I was saved by the rehabilitation staff in charge of me. It wasn't a technical treatment, but rather a treatment where I received words that touched my heart and helped me to do my best. Many other people who were not in charge of this hospital also helped me in many ways, so this is a hospital where my favorite people work. Thank you very much, and I look forward to your continued support. *Outpatient information Basically, if you are a first-time outpatient clinic without an appointment, you will have to wait until you are seen. ①Blood test ②Urine test ③If you have a test such as an MRI, you will have to wait for your turn and see the doctor after the test results come out, so I think you will have to wait at least 30 minutes after the test is finished. At this point, there seems to be no order. If you are visiting an outpatient clinic with an appointment, things will go more smoothly if you make the appointment around 11:00 a.m. before the reception starts. Tests and other tests will take time, so I think it will be easier mentally if you are prepared to some extent. At 〇〇ophthalmology and 〇〇proctology, you usually have to wait several hours, so you won't have to wait an hour. If you are used to outpatient visits, it usually takes less than an hour from the time you arrive at the hospital to the time you leave the hospital. If you specify a prescription pharmacy near your home and transfer the data, things will go more smoothly. There's also a wait time of about an hour at the pharmacy behind this place. Please use hospitals and pharmacies efficiently.

  • g i

    g i


    If you come with your child, you will get a bad look, Furthermore, even though it was an emergency room, I was told that there would be a lot of people coming so I should call them. We also know that there is a shortage of nurses and doctors. I felt apologetic and asked to see a doctor, but his attitude was too bad. What if I go to another hospital because of my child? They said. I don't want to go there again.

  • ブーキャナ



    The outpatient nurses are friendly and responsive. They also say hello. The nurses in the ward on the 5th floor of the main building are almost unfriendly and don't say hello. Even if you are in front of the nurse's station, they will ignore you unless you speak to them. I was told that I could only meet with two people, but the other people allowed me to meet with four people. I took my parents with me and they told me I couldn't meet them just the three of us. The next day, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and nephew went to visit, and it seemed like the three of us were allowed to meet. Huh? What's the matter? It's the worst

  • Carl Griesy

    Carl Griesy


    Not great... they hardly won’t listen to the problem and suggest surgery rather than really understanding the pain that patients have. It seems like one of those places that recommended unnecessary tests for receiving funds from gov. Not sure if that’s for all cases but I felt it. Got a second opinion and it’s more feasible and promising for my treatment.

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