Kumamoto Kengun 3 Post Office en Kumamoto

JapónKumamoto Kengun 3 Post Office



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-51-6 Kengun, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0911, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-369-5901
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7790577, Longitude: 130.7607647

comentarios 5

  • 渕上由紀子



    I work at the post office, so I use it a lot.When I save money or make payments, the receptionist is kind, polite, and pleasant.I'm Yasui.It's convenient because it's close to my home.

  • しちのへみつあき



    There are many female employees. There are also two ATMs in operation, which is convenient.

  • 健軍の写真屋さん



    Japan Post ATMs are often crowded, but now that there are two ATMs, things have become smoother.The customer service from the staff inside the store is also good.I have used several other post offices, but this one I recommend the station

  • にしやん



    I went there several times for inheritance-related matters, and the staff at the counter had the best response of any post office I've ever used. While many post offices have an arrogant attitude, they were extremely polite and pleasant.

  • Robert Remmerswaal

    Robert Remmerswaal


    The parking here often causes traffic delays and accidents

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