Kumamoto Higashi Post Office i Kumamoto

JapanKumamoto Higashi Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

1-10 Nishikigaoka, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-943-061
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.7891886, Longitude: 130.7536967

kommentar 5

  • EC120 EC120

    EC120 EC120


    in Japan, every post office has its own "red post" shaped postcard. printed its " local post office name" on it. in addition to that, seasonal "red post" shaped postcards will be sold at the local post offices as well. this kind of postcards are kind of rare and very poular among postcards lovers.

  • さとうりえ



    This time, when I inquired about delivery to my home delivery box, Mr. O was very kind and helpful! Thank you m(_ _)m Although we were able to respond over the phone, Mr. O also called us several times, and we were relieved that our luggage was safely found earlier. I would also like to thank the delivery staff who came again. Thank you so much ✾

  • Souta



    Since I was away for a long time, I couldn't get home within the post office's hold period, so I called to ask if I could hold the call until I returned. I got a reply from the post office saying I could hold the package, but the next day the package was returned without permission, and when I went to call, they didn't answer.When I called the second day, they said something I didn't understand, saying it was a rule. worst. Didn't you say you could put it on hold? I haven't been home for three weeks, and I called and called the post office to ask if my cargo was on hold, and the post office notified me that I had a problem with it, and as a result, the post office was unable to hold my cargo. In the past, when I made an emergency call, I contacted a person, asked for a refund, etc., and the second attack was to accuse a person from the past. Good reservation and leave?

  • 彡彡



    The service is not bad, but I feel like the recently introduced reception machine is difficult for elderly people and foreigners to understand. Young people adapted quickly, but I saw elderly people and foreigners waiting impatiently.

  • Haruhi N.

    Haruhi N.


    I called in early in the morning for an urgent delivery request. The staff were courteous, and although there were customers in line, I never felt like I had to wait. The only request is for the parking lot to be displayed. At first glance, it looks like you can enter the parking lot from the Kaisei Seminar side entrance. I have always done this without question, but today when I tried to enter, the driver of the car coming out pointed out that this was the exit. If you park the car and look at the sign again, you will see that both lanes have exit signs on the ground. However, there is no sign at the entrance prohibiting entry. I'm being careless on my part, but it seems like there are other people out there who are misunderstanding this. It would be helpful if you could put up a no entry sign or make one side of the road on the Kaisei Seminar side open for entry.

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