Kumamoto Chuo Hospital i Kumamoto

JapanKumamoto Chuo Hospital



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-1 Tainoshima, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0965, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-370-3111
internet side: www.kumachu.gr.jp
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Latitude: 32.7702312, Longitude: 130.7249488

kommentar 5

  • 藤井ナツオ



    I do not recommend gastrocameras for gastroenterologists. If you're lucky, it'll be easy, but depending on the technician, it can be a bit painful. I'll give you anesthesia.




    My mother underwent surgery for spinal stenosis. Due to his age, he had been reluctant to undergo surgery for a long time, but when it finally got out of control, he underwent surgery, and the amount of bleeding was minimal, and he felt almost no pain. I started rehabilitation the next day. The private room was quiet, free, and comfortable. I was overjoyed when I could see Mt. Kinpu, the sunrise, and the sunset from the window. I could feel that the nurses and doctors were trying to make the patients laugh and have fun. The parking lot is large and easy to park. Although there were rare times when it was difficult to get out due to congestion on the Hama Line or Yume Town, it was quiet and comfortable. thank you very much.

  • Freaky Friday

    Freaky Friday


    I took my elderly mom for a 2nd opinion on hip surgery. Dr Abe said he wouldn’t do the surgery because my mom was”ONLY GOING TO LIVE FOR A COUPLE OF MORE YEARS”. He has a very LOUD voice, neither my mom or I are hard of hearing.His SHOUTING at us was a very UNPLEASANT experience. I did walk out and left my mom there. He is VERY arrogant. The pain medication my mom takes don’t work. His attitude is basically she’s alive and that’s enough. Fortunately, my mother doesn’t want the operation although myself and her grandson do for QUALITY of LIFE. My step father is Taiwanese. My mom is Japanese. As my mom was leaving, the nurses were talking amongst themselves saying how good my mom’s Japanese was. Personally, I’ve only had HORRIBLE experiences at the Tamana Chuo Hospital too. One doctor said”This is the kind of medical attention you get in the countryside” Are the doctors at Chuo Hospitals unhappy at their posts??? I will NEVER EVER go to a Chuo Hospital again!!!! I would give 0 stars if I could😤🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • レジェンドNo.1



    I went to Kumamoto Central Hospital in the evening after my mother had informed me that she was not feeling well. However, the receptionist told me that the clinic was closed, so I had no choice but to leave. I went home wondering what would happen if I called an ambulance.

  • 西山郁美



    I've been going to Chuo Hospital since it was the old hospital, and although I can't say that the nurses are "awesome," they are "feeling good." Same goes for doctors. However, when you are sitting on a chair and using your cell phone while waiting, you should definitely watch your back. Even if he had no intention of seeing it, he could see it completely.

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