快活CLUB 前橋上小出店 w Maebashi

Japonia快活CLUB 前橋上小出店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Japan, 〒371-0037 Gunma, Maebashi, Kamikoidemachi, 3-chōme−41−10
kontakt telefon: +81 27-210-4888
strona internetowej: www.kaikatsu.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.4211563, Longitude: 139.0590833

komentarze 5

  • masa kita

    masa kita


    When coming here, be sure to read the website and reviews carefully. I look at you painfully. If you plan to use the facility at night, please come with the intention of just sleeping. There is no service. There are no clerks. Meals, soft serve ice cream, cleaning, none. It hurt that I couldn't move my seat. It feels expensive at night. If you're looking for service, go to another store. (Although I often use cheerfulness.)

  • Masumi



    I use it often and don't usually have any concerns. The staff's attitude is also good. However, today I chose a general seat instead of a private room with a lock, and the person next to me was talking to himself and clearing his throat frequently and loudly, so I sent a message to the front desk saying that they were talking too loudly. A clerk came over shortly after, but said, "We can't pay attention to the noise unless it's in real time." It can't be helped, but the person next to me found out that I was noisy. I couldn't get enough of it, so I immediately moved to a private room with a lock.

  • TORAちゃん



    As mentioned in other reviews, there is no permanent staff on duty between 10pm and 5pm, but the attraction is that the usage fees are cheaper than nearby stores. The only thing I would like to see improved is the volume of the BGM playing inside the store, which was a bit uncomfortable when I wanted to take a nap. The sound can be heard even in private rooms with locks, so I would like them to come up with a way to prevent the sound from being heard in rooms with locks.

  • 暖冬将軍



    For the time being, there are no clerks at night, so I lock the safe in the booth and have two options: wait until 6 a.m., or try 10,000 different options. The tableware return counter is still open. The shower room, hair dryer, and ventilation vents were all covered in dust. The wash basin was not cleaned inside so the water was not draining. However, there is a charge for towels. There was a person who was serving ice at the drink bar multiple times in the middle of the night, but no staff was paying attention. It was too hot even though the air conditioner was set at what temperature. Even though the soft-serve ice cream had a notice saying that it would undergo maintenance on November 8th, it was actually out of service. I didn't order anything, but of course they won't be serving late night meals.

  • Kem Bmt

    Kem Bmt



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