Koriyama Post Office w Koriyama

JaponiaKoriyama Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-24-24-6 Asahi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8799, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 24-932-1243
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.4053619, Longitude: 140.35802

komentarze 5

  • ああ



    When the parking lot was crowded on a weekday evening, I was guided to the middle of the lot, but the area near the entrance was empty, and the old man who was the guide told me to back up and park there. Even though there are many cars behind me... I managed to reverse through the gap, but the parking lot requires a lot of driving skill, so if you're not confident in your driving skills, it's best to avoid the rush hours. Measures should be taken such as setting up temporary parking lots during busy times.

  • 竣平猪狩



    I was surprised by the man at the reception who was always rude to me even though it was my first time meeting him!!It was really disappointing that the reception was so sloppy even though it was the main office. The receptionists at other branch offices are many times more responsive!

  • 堀江毅



    Even the post office is now numbered. Has it become more efficient or worse? I don't understand, but Personally, I think the wait time has been longer. There was a staff member there to guide us.

  • 太陽系ジュピ太



    For decades, the parking lot problem has been left unaddressed, leading to congestion in the area, causing inconvenience to the neighborhood, and inconveniencing users, without taking any measures. There were long lines at the counter, I wonder why they privatized it. The overall level of staff is too low.

  • タタママ



    It seems like things have changed again...we're cutting too many people, and there are too many products that are causing errors. They are really lax about opening on Saturdays and Sundays. I think it's the worst. First of all, the customer service at the counter was very bad.

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