Konomiya Izumigaoka Store w Sakai

JaponiaKonomiya Izumigaoka Store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-1-3 Takeshirodai, Minami Ward, Sakai, Osaka 590-0105, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-295-0561
strona internetowej: www.konomiya.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 34.4980891, Longitude: 135.51132

komentarze 5

  • Y Yama

    Y Yama


    Since it is accessible on foot from Izumigaoka Station, I feel that there are many elderly users. Perhaps for that reason, I personally would like the product lineup to be expanded a little more. There are times when I think so. (For example, Takaki Bakery doesn't seem to carry bread.) Overall, it's convenient, but it's an old store and the aisles are too narrow, so if you're using a shopping cart, it can be difficult to turn around or go backwards during busy times. The selling method of stacking cardboard boxes and displaying them is available at all supermarkets, but the aisles are so narrow that it can be dangerous to get caught during busy times. It seems like there are some customers who have bad manners. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the toilet detergent, which I had apparently stopped buying, instead of returning it to the original store, and it was placed in the ponzu sauce corner, probably because I thought the shape was very similar. (I reported this to the store staff, but I feel sorry for the store.) The good thing is that on Mondays, there is a 10% discount on everything except alcohol-related items, so if you know the bottom price of the items you often buy, you can get a good deal. (However, some products may be cheaper on other days of the week.) I think it's a great point to be able to get plastic bags depending on the amount you purchase. This may also be a consideration for elderly users. Personally, I feel that the price and selection of products are lacking. There are so few competing stores in this area that I sometimes feel jealous of the competitive supermarkets.

  • 惊ć‚Ŗ惟



    The equipment is old and the aisles are narrow. I wonder if there are any products that are so cheap and attractive on sale these days. Anyway, it's normal. Mondays are 10% off, so the cash register gets really crowded. I can't buy small quantities or frozen foods.

  • NM Asombrado (惍惋ć‚æ)

    NM Asombrado (惍惋ć‚æ)


    This store is cheap and they always give free plastic bags

  • milk M (ćæ悋恏)

    milk M (ćæ悋恏)


    The products are lined up in a tight space, so carts collide with each other, and you have to wait for someone to give something before you can get through, but I think they're putting a lot of thought into the display. I don't think the customer base is very good because there are people who just hit me with their carts and push me, and people who just rush into the cash register. I think it would be easier to see and retrieve the products if the frozen food freezer case and the ice cream freezer were reversed. A month or two after I made that comment, the frozen food and ice cream cases happened to be swapped, and I was glad to see that they were now easier to see and take out.

  • S Keiko.

    S Keiko.


    Perhaps out of consideration for people living alone or the elderly, the products were packaged in small portions. It's also close to the station, so milk is cheaper than the nearby supermarkets šŸ‘ In the 5-item vegetable corner for 398 yen, there was a clerk there to sort the vegetables, and when I asked her which 5-item vegetables were, she very kindly told me. And I also received a plastic bag šŸ¤­ I decided to change my route home from the nearest station. This is a local supermarketāœØāœØāœØ

najbliższy Supermarket

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