Konki Dental Clinic w Matsuyama

JaponiaKonki Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-5-22 Ochi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0933, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-956-6400
strona internetowej: kinki-dc.cihp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8090047, Longitude: 132.7828207

komentarze 5




    Both the teachers and nurses are really kind. (Tears) I was so happy that I posted it. thank you very much.

  • 三島のカズ



    Please examine me very carefully. I believe that he is a very trustworthy doctor, as he does not have a commercial mindset and proposes treatment plans from the patient's perspective.

  • Chlo e

    Chlo e


    Dentists are scary, I had a bad impression of them Both teachers and female staff here Wow, I'm not afraid of children either. The person at the reception seemed efficient and cool.

  • テポ



    Visiting various dentists Eventually I came back here. At other places, the doctor who was clearly trying to make money took unnecessary medical fees, and the work was done poorly and sloppily. You can trust this teacher with his detailed explanations and reliable skills. What's more, I work quickly. Lately, whenever I go, the number of patients has increased and it's full, but I'm too scared to go anywhere else.

  • 長月



    The teacher is very good. I'm going to take the tartar off my teeth, and a female staff member will do it for me. I'm really bad at it. It's shockingly bad! ! I gave it to my new child who wears glasses. When I got home and looked in the mirror, there was still tartar on my teeth, it was slow, it wasn't clean, and I didn't feel good at all. Next, I had a slightly older woman stab me with something in her left hand, which hurt her inner cheek. My left hand also raises my lips a lot and it hurts. And the tartar was not removed properly. Did the female staff member who was there before disappear even though she was very good? The doctor is very good and I highly recommend his treatment. Someone please teach the female staff how to remove tartar.

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