Konishishikashoni Dental Clinic in Fuchu

JapanKonishishikashoni Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

93-10 Fuchūchō, Fuchu, Hiroshima 726-0005, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 847-41-2900
webseite: www.konishi-shika.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.571785, Longitude: 133.233335

kommentare 5

  • from_a



    I went there through my wife's introduction. I heard that your husband and wife are dentists. It was my first time so I was prepared to wait. Of course I had to wait, but the consultation was quick considering the number of patients. However, I felt a sense of comfort when I heard the dentist's words, "Thank you very much for keeping me waiting." After carefully listening to the treatment plan, we proceed with the treatment. Visiting a doctor for a chipped tooth. I felt depressed because I thought that treatment was necessary and that the tooth would not regrow. I was amazed at the result after treatment! It made me smile all at once. I have nothing but gratitude. Courteous service and high-level treatment. There was such an amazing dental clinic in Fuchu. I'm glad I went to Konishi Dental! The exterior of the building looks old, but the interior is clean and beautiful. Although some parts of the examination equipment that don't require advanced features, such as the chairs, may seem outdated, I felt that the most important treatment equipment was equipped with advanced equipment.

  • tony



    I have been indebted to you since my father's time. 😊 My son (his wife is also a pediatric dentist) is following in his footsteps. This is a highly recommended dental clinic where you can feel good about not only the treatments but also the way they treat patients. 🤗

  • らら



    Thank you for your help on a regular basis. I've been feeling depressed for a few days before going to the dentist, but everyone always greeted me with a smile and gave me kind and thorough explanations and treatment, so I'm glad I went every time!




    We are one of the few dentists that specializes not only in general dentistry but also in pediatric dentistry. My eldest son, who was diagnosed with autism, was transferred here because he didn't like the dentist he used to go to. When I explained my child's circumstances at the time of the initial appointment, he showed understanding and worked with me to plan future treatment. During the examination, the doctor will clearly explain what you will be doing today using pictures and short sentences. I haven't been there many times yet, but my child seems to be looking forward to seeing the doctor. "postscript" Over time, I have gotten used to both the doctor and the dental hygienist, and the treatments are often completed more smoothly. He seems to be looking forward to being able to do the gacha gacha after the examination and treatment, so he does his best every time he receives the treatment.

  • a ki

    a ki


    My son has ADHD and is restless, but I was very happy that he was able to convince me to receive treatment using pictures and sentences. It's nice to be able to watch TV It was easy to talk to the general public because they listened carefully and the staff were kind. Thank you for your continued support.

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