Komeda's Coffee Don Quijote Shinjuku en Shinjuku City

JapónKomeda's Coffee Don Quijote Shinjuku



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒169-0072 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Ōkubo, 1-chōme−12−6 ドン・キホーテ新宿店内2F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3207-8050
sitio web: www.komeda.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6990465, Longitude: 139.7029487

comentarios 5

  • Julius Tanael

    Julius Tanael


    Located just above Don Quijote Shinjuku. Quaint and cozy place. Ideal place for stop after shopping and sightseeing around Shinjuku. Food is good and affordable.

  • Chern Yap

    Chern Yap


    Served soft and warm bread, along with hot coffee, good service and good music.

  • Sarraa Alasady

    Sarraa Alasady


    I had the shrimp pasta gratin, their tea set, and a breakfast egg sandwich with coffee on two separate occasions. Comfort food after a long trip with foreign meals. The space is very cozy with eclectic 'chill-vibes/lo-fi' music (English, French, Japanese) a good place to relax and take a breather from the chaotic 'Seoul-Tokyo' area.

  • 星野浩



    It's on the 2nd floor of a discount shop "Don Quixote." When I visited there, it wasn't crowded. So this is a very good secret spot. The food was very big! Beaware!

  • Sean Scarisbrick

    Sean Scarisbrick


    Coffee just by itself is expensive, BUT.... check the back of the menu (and there's one in English) -- it comes with a hunk of buttered toast and a boiled egg. Great little breakfast. Clean, bright, and relatively quiet from the madness of the shop below...

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