コジマネーゼ in Utsunomiya




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Japan, 〒321-0968 Tochigi, Utsunomiya, Nakaimaizumi, 1-chōme−18−10 ヴァルトベルク2
kontakte telefon: +81 28-908-9717
webseite: kojimanese.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5709911, Longitude: 139.907822

kommentare 5

  • ooo megumilk (megu)

    ooo megumilk (megu)


    First Kojimanese. It was a store I had always wanted to visit. I had made a reservation, but the parking lot was full of reserved cars even before the store opened. Parking was a little difficult since it faces a large street. Pasta/appetizer/dessert set costs 2,200 yen. ・Appetizer (salad set 700 yen can be changed to appetizer set for an additional 300 yen) There are 5 types of appetizers. Marinades, salads, focaccia, cold soups, and quiches. Everything was delicious with elaborate seasonings. However, I wanted to eat more vegetables. My companion also said the same thing. ・Pasta▶︎Shrimp tomato cream spaghetti It was delicious with the sourness of the tomatoes and the cream surrounding the crispy shrimp. The noodles were surprisingly chewy. There are so many different types of pasta that I would like to try other things. ・Dessert▶︎Pumpkin pudding and tiramisu The cinnamon accent was a perfect balance. The tiramisu was rich and I would have liked a little more.

  • K



    It was my first time visiting here, and everything was more delicious than I expected. There aren't many Italian restaurants open on Tuesdays, so I'm grateful. I was able to add appetizers to my lunch set for an additional fee, and they were all delicious. Especially the potato salad and cheese quiche. Even though I don't like quiche, this was the first quiche that I thought was delicious. For main, I had cheese risotto, but it was so delicious that I forgot to take a photo. It was so rich and delicious that it was like eating cheese. The sautéed tuna and the dessert catalana were both very delicious. However, the spare parking lot was difficult to find, and the inside of the store was pretty deserted, so when I entered the store, I could see a lot of faces from other customers, and I even saw myself. I think it would create a nicer atmosphere if you put some houseplants near the entrance or by the window. I will go again!

  • ふれぶるちゃん



    I made a reservation for 11:30 on Saturday, May 18, 2024, and visited for the first time with a friend. Have pasta as a lunch course. You can choose the amount of pasta for free ➡︎80g, 100g, 120g. Appetizer, salty chicken and burdock pasta, catalana and tiramisu, black tea ¥2000 Thank you for the meal.

  • kyon kyon

    kyon kyon


    The lunch menu seems to be limited to pasta, and the names of the seven types of pasta are all eye-catching. There are also two kinds of assorted dishes, so it is quite unique. It's also great that you can choose the amount of noodles from 80, 100, and 120g. This time, I ordered 120g of "spaghetti with beef cheeks braised in red wine" as well as an appetizer and dessert set. As the name of the menu suggests, the red wine flavor was added to the tomato sauce, and I was able to enjoy the delicate flavor along with the guinea beef cheek. It can be said that it is a wonderfully devised pasta. The appetizers were delicious, and the pumpkin pudding and tiramisu for dessert were also exquisite, making for a highly satisfying set. The inside of the store is neat and stylish, and there are counter seats, making it easy to visit even by yourself. I'm curious about the fresh sea urchin pasta, and would like to revisit it next time.

  • Linda Nguyen

    Linda Nguyen


    Love love this place! The chef cooks authentic Italian cuisine. We’ve been back twice now. My favorite pasta is their scallop, asparagus basil cream tagliatelle.

nächste Restaurant

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