Koishikawa Post Office w Bunkyo City

JaponiaKoishikawa Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-4-2 Koishikawa, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-8799, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-943-276
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7135003, Longitude: 139.7420359

komentarze 5

  • ichi ko

    ichi ko


    I apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused. Self-indulgent self-judgment Don't get angry from self-excuse That's not the kind of behavior a grandpa would do with a kid. Your eyes were bloodshot, but you responded calmly.

  • Budou Grape

    Budou Grape


    I always use my smartphone discount to just print and ship, so I'm grateful for the peace of mind that the staff work so quickly and I can stop by without having to rush before heading off to work. I occasionally send items to friends overseas, but I'm used to EMS shipping and work quickly. I can see that the cars and motorcycles on the sidewalk are very careful when driving, so thank you for the hot days of summer and the cold days of winter!

  • linwei li

    linwei li


    The call center response may be the worst in all of Japan. In the seven years since I came to Japan, I have never seen such a response.

  • K A

    K A


    I contacted you by phone from home because my urgent mail did not arrive. The person in charge of collection was supportive of my concerns, and when the package was safely received, the person in charge seemed to have confirmed the receipt data and contacted me again. A delivery person who was different from the person who answered the phone came to deliver the package with a smile and said, ``I'm glad the package you asked for...'' was a very cooperative and pleasant response. I received it.

  • Cabala Feng

    Cabala Feng


    Big post office and great service.

najbliższy Poczta

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