こだわり とんかつ 峯 高千穂通デパート前店 i Miyazaki

Japanこだわり とんかつ 峯 高千穂通デパート前店



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-6-13 Tachibanadōrihigashi, Miyazaki, 880-0805, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 985-89-4200
internet side: ramffys.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9162205, Longitude: 131.4245678

kommentar 5

  • 剛M



    Aged lotus cutlet bowl. I had the salad first and then added some carrot dressing to help my stomach adjust before the katsudon arrived. Shortly after that, the katsudon arrived. Gooey cutlet bowl topped with egg. The cutlets are cut into bite-sized pieces, making them easy to eat. The miso soup was sweet, had plenty of minced meat, and was delicious. Thank you for the meal.

  • Rie Takayama

    Rie Takayama


    The crispy tonkatsu was delicious🐷✨I wanted to eat cold soup, so I paid extra for the cold soup🍚It was delicious, but the cold soup had a sweeter flavor than regular ones, so the salty flavor worked better. The cold soup was perfect! ️Thank you for the meal🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • A



    I visited for lunch😋✨ I highly recommend it for lunch when it's crowded as you can eat at a great value 🤤 For rice, you can choose between mixed grain rice or white rice. Free refills on rice, cabbage, pickles, and miso soup! ! 🙆✨ There was also Wi-Fi! ! There were about 5.6 counter seats as well as tables, so I think it's easy to go even by yourself! The important thing is the pork cutlet, the batter is crispy and the meat is plump and juicy! ! ! The shrimp were small but still delicious 🤤

  • Sc Lim

    Sc Lim


    Came across this restaurant by chance. Their Tonkatsu is quite good. Service is also great. Other diners are mostly local. Presumably a usual lunch place for the office crowd around.

  • Menno van Zaanen

    Menno van Zaanen


    The waiters are extremely helpful and friendly. They have an English menu (although a limited one) available. The atmosphere is good, relaxed, informal. The food is wonderful. Good for small groups, but also alone.

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