Kochi Orthopedic Surgery and Neurosurgeon Hospital i Kochi

JapanKochi Orthopedic Surgery and Neurosurgeon Hospital



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4-chōme-7-20 Kamimachi, Kochi, 780-0901, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-822-1285
internet side: kochiseikei-nogeka.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5563743, Longitude: 133.5191108

kommentar 5

  • ジョンレノン



    First review posted. I don't want to do it because it's a pain. It's really too harsh so just to warn you. Various stories wander around. They didn't clearly tell me what was going on, what the situation was, and how to treat it, so I ended up stitching up the injury without asking. I wanted to just get the bleeding stopped and go to a different hospital, but the stitches had already been applied so it was too late. The wound was touched over and over again without any meaning, saying, ``Here, you can see it.'' It hurt too much. It feels like an amateur is trying to acquire the knowledge of a doctor. Everything is vague. Treatment that begins suddenly. I was full of anxiety.

  • R



    I should have read the reviews carefully before going. Is that the director? It's true that he calls my name out loud and leaves the door open during the examination. lol The response was really bad from beginning to end. I went on Saturday at 11am. Apparently it closes at 12:00, but it's time for the store to close after the doctor's appointment, so everyone wants to go home. Please stop coming at this time from now on. They said. got it. I will never go there again. I was left with a bad feeling from beginning to end. I want my time back too.

  • 小松妙子



    I was examined by Dr. Yamagata. When I went to see the doctor for a swollen ankle (ganglion), he listened well to me, and his explanations were thorough and easy to understand.

  • まこと



    The director of the clinic told me that even if I came here every day, my pain would not change. No, it's not. Since you weren't there the day before, I couldn't get a medical certificate for the traffic accident, so I just went the next day. Or rather, what do you think about it as a hospital?

  • 中村隆



    Due to a work-related injury, he was immediately hospitalized and underwent surgery. I was discharged from the hospital a month later, and since then I've been taking care of you through rehabilitation. The nurses and assistant nurses during my stay in the hospital took very good care of me. I am very grateful and reassuring that the physical therapist at my rehabilitation center was kind and attentive. If you get injured, there's no way you'll be 100% back. I am grateful for the treatment and recovery. I see a lot of heartless comments. I hope that there will be no prejudice towards medical care. At least for me, it's a good hospital that has taken great care of me. thank you very much.

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